
Coltivazione della fragola più sostenibile. Si punta sulla biofumigazione.

Riportiamo un estratto di un interessante articolo “La mono-successione o il frequente ritorno sul medesimo appezzamento sono pratiche comuni per la coltivazione della fragola che impongono ad inizio di ogni nuovo ciclo colturale il problema della disinfezione del terreno. Le tecniche di biofumigazione che si stanno diffondendo si basano sull’uso combinato e sinergico di mezzi…

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Radici, root bacillus firmus hercole

Bacillus firmus strain DSM34921

NOVITA’ dalla ricerca ITAKA: Bacillus firmus strain DSM34921 – HERCOLE ITAKA è un produttore di soluzioni naturali per l’agricoltura, protagonista della transizione verso un’agricoltura sostenibile. Itaka fornisce programmi tecnici basati sul rispetto dell’ambiente e della sostenibilità socio-economica dell’azienda agricola. Crediamo nell’innovazione, utilizzando ingredienti di origine naturale come microrganismi ed estratti vegetali. Queste soluzioni “BIOLOGICAL” richiedono…

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The place of microorganisms in the transition to new farming systems with reference to research, agronomy and IT, using greenhouse vegetables as example Vincent Lefebvre du Prey and Nunzio Campo The generalised use of chemical products in agriculture led to considerable environmental damages in particular to soils and bio-diversity. Sustainable farming requires to restore in priority…

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TRENDS IN MICROBIAL SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 13-15 September 2023, Belgrade, SERBIA Message from the scientific organizers Dear colleagues and friends, It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the Workshop “Trends in microbial solutions for sustainable agriculture” to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, September 13-15, 2023. This meeting is organized by the University…

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BRESOV features in EU’s results pack on Agroecology

The BRESOV consortium proudly announces that an article highlighting the project results obtained after more than 5 year’s research has been published on the EC’s CORDIS website as part of the EU’s results pack on “Agroecology: research for resilient, sustainable, climate-, ecosystem- and social-friendly farming systems”. This new brochure summarizes the success of several EU-funded research projects…

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Open Day Itaka – 13 January 2022

Interaction plant-microbiomE in organic farming Itaka has become a specialist in the development of microorganisms which interact with plants and soils. The reason for this Open day is to introduce Itaka’research facilities at the heart of the activity necessary to the creation of new solutions (R&D pole). Why this evolution: Healthy plants require healthy soils.…

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