CLASS Association of microorganisms
USE Soil prevention
COMPOSITION Glomus intraradices, Bacillus spp
DESTINATION Conventional and organic farming


HERCOLE acts on improving the microbial balance of soils, increasing vitality in situation of soil fatigue, by improving nutrient availability, competing for space and nutrients with potential pathogens, promoting plant defence mechanisms and showing.

Bacteria such as Bacillus firmus and Paenibacillus polymixa are known to increase plant natural defence and stimulate plants to overcome damages caused by nematodes.

HERCOLE nematodi

Mode of Application

On vegetables in greenhouse using drip irrigation, apply 10 L/Ha before transplanting using at least 500 L/Ha water. Repeat post-transplant 2-4 times per crop cycle (10 L/Ha).

On vegetables in open field using drip irrigation, apply 20 L/Ha at transplanting.


Store at temperatures between 4° C and 30° C. Administer in the cooler hours of the day on irrigated soil.

Do not mix with fungicide products. Do not mix with non-organic fertilisers. Keep solution pH between 6 and 6.8.

Read label and MSDS carefully before use.

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