Basic substances are generally active substances extracted from products and then stabilized. These are not primarily plant protection products, but they can be useful for plant protection. They are not potentially dangerous substances.

When an active substance also meets the “food grade” criteria, it may be considered a basic substance.

ANTEO contains Urtica spp., approved as a basic substance by the European Commission (Regulation (EU) No. 2017/419 of 9 March 2017) and an extract of Allium cepa L. bulb (Regulation (EU) No. 2021/81 of the Commission of 27 January 2021). The natural elements present in Urtica spp. stimulate the plant’s defence mechanisms against insects, mites and diseases. On the other hand, the bulbs of Allium cepa L., have a fungicidal action.

Both Basic Substances are included in Annex I, Part 1, of Reg. (EU) 2021/1165 which authorizes their use in organic production.

Its use is a valid solution both as a support to conventional chemical treatments and in programs aimed at environmental sustainability and resistance management


ANTEO is used preventively in foliar application at a dose of 0.5-0.7 L per hectolitre.

On potatoes, tomatoes and vines against downy mildew, performing 1 to 6 treatments every 7-15 days.

On beans and vines against red spider mite, performing 1 to 6 treatments every 7-21 days.

Ensure complete coverage of the vegetation, avoid dripping.


Tests carried out in the presence of nematodes (Meloidogine incognita) showned that soil applications of onion bulb extract and nettle significantly reduce the presence of J2 larvae and the damage to the root system (RGS Index).

In field conditions, a reduction in the population (eggs + J2 larvae) of Meloidogine incognita occurs for a period of 60 days.


The EU Commission conclusions on food-grade onion bulb extract confirm that it does not have any adverse effects on human and animal health or unacceptable effects on the environment.

They also specify that the product does not pose a risk to soil, water and non-target organisms and it can be assumed that residues are not of concern.

As regards nettle extract, EFSA concludes that the use of Urtica spp. does not pose a concern for human health. Furthermore, the conditions of use are not expected to result in the presence of residues of concern in food or feed.

The use of ANTEO fits perfectly the need for eco-sustainability strategies, replacing harmful products or those in the process of being withdrawn. It is suitable for use in organic farming.